Selasa, 11 Agustus 2015

See You Next Year Indonesia

Each year for 3 years time, I've been spending only 4 months in Indonesia. During high school, my dream was to enrolled in some good public university in Jogja, so that I could easily go back each time I miss my family and friends. Not to mention the food and its price range make me so eager to study there hahaha

This year, I stayed for 3 months in Indonesia. I am suppose to be back on 6 September, according to UTM's academic calender. But, the program that I'll enrollee later urge me to come back sooner. Together with this huge long and loving feeling toward UTM (liar liar), I think this is indeed a wise choice.

So, last May, I applied for a program called Creativity Station under Beyond Engineering Education (BEE) Korea and after some selection process, I passed along with 20 students that will represent UTM. This program basically asks the student to apply their engineering knowledge to a concrete product based on the people's needs, in this case Fisherman. The challenge would be, working together with other 60 students from Korea, Japan and Indonesia. As I'm not familiar with how Korean and Japanese work culture, this could be a challenging experience... Or perhaps, I would end up coupling with some pretty Korean engineering student... Wowww :3 (yeayyy)

Recently, I found out about some tips for CV and interview made by Meisari Arvini Hidayati in kaskus. I'm sorry that the content is in Bahasa Indonesia. If you understand bahasa Indonesia or perhaps using Google translate feature, I would recommend to read it. I applied my latest CV from it and perhaps my upcoming interview as well. 

See you Indonesia :)

-Try your best, let God do the rest-

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