Selasa, 15 September 2015

Creativity Station, Recipe for Engineers

This holiday, I was selected to participate in International Service Learning Program (ISLP) among others 20 students to represent my campus, UTM. ISLP is a program that combined social issues together with our background as Engineers. So, we have to come out a product or project that would help to ease the villagers problem. This program sponsored by Korean Ministry of Education, through their organization which is BEE (Beyond Engineering Education). 

The program actually in 16th August, but due to performance that must be showed from each campus, my campus decided to come early for the preparation along with TRIS workshop. As an UTM representative, I also need to contribute in the performance which is Malay's weeding hahaha It's been a good experiences though, playing Kompang and learning how does Malays wed :D

Besides my campus, there are other 13 universities from Korea and Indonesia. I've gained many friends and the most important thing is that I learn how Korean works and thinking. I've also gained so many new knowledge and ideas. Not to mention self control hahaha The program held from 16th August to 24th August in Punggai, Johor.

There are so many pre-issues we faced during the early days of the event. Such as limitation of  water portion, and a really hot weather. Water limitation is indeed a problem as our program have total 55 students. Not to mention the committees and lectures. The lectures also came from various campus in Indonesia, Malaysia and Korea. Multiracial program indeed hahaha

My group is formed by 6 members, for short introduction, I will describe 5 words which suitable with their personalities.

1. Kyas (From Korea)
Kind, humorous, stubborn, introvert, complicated (work's structure)

2. Ijon (from Telkom University, Indonesia)
Talkative, confident, initiative, slow, optimist

3. Hecarim (From Korea)
Shy, initiative, kind, smile, helper

4. Ool (From Politeknik Negri Surabaya, Indonesia)
Shy, creative, hard working, calm, introvert

5. Syira (From Universiti Teknologi Malaysia)
Talkative, confident, uncritical, creative, slow

6. Our mentor (Bang Halim)
Kind, nice, helpful, talkative, calm

Each group's member will be assigned specific tasks which is:

1. Communicator
Talking, bridging and presenting problems, ideas, solutions to local villagers, other groups and also the committee member and lectures. I am a communicator hahahaa B)

2. Journalist
Recording and taking notes regarding the interview or any data found. More like the group's secretary hahaha Syira is our personal secretary :p

3. Mapler
Taking pictures of problems and solutions. This include our process to solve the problems like group discussions, product's making etc. This pictures are uploaded to a website which is Our mapler is Ijon :)

4. Designer
Realizing and designing the product specification and steps on making it. Our designer is Kyas :O

5. Photographer
Well, you know what responsibilities he have hahaha Our photographer is Hecarim. :B

6. Treasures
This also a common position in school or work. Our group treasurer is Ool :D

During the first 2 days which is 16th and 17th. The tentative was more to Ice breaking and bonding. Also opening ceremony by some high officials hehe The ice breaking games was a bit tiring yet exiting. We played many Malaysian Kampong Traditional Games hahaha Some of it is similar back in my home town. But there are also many new interesting games.

My guilt during that time was when the MC asked us to line up according to country... I'm an Indonesian which representing Malaysian University. So, I decided to line up as Malaysian instead of Indonesian.... To be honest, I still feeling guilty until today :(

After the ice breaking session, we were form into groups mixed up with 2 members from each countries. After that we need to decide group leaders, name, slogan and cheers. As usual, I volunteer to become a group leader. I don't know why, but I always volunteer myself although sometimes I would love to leave the responsibility to someone else.

My rival prepare the speech well enough (comparing my personality result with his) haha *note to self this is a good strategy* I don't mind actually, but when I knew the reason why he's volunteering, I'm a bit disappointed...

He said that most Koreans are not actively participating in the program. So he want to show that Korean can also do that...

This is a good reason, but not good enough... External reasons often disappear faster compared to personal reason such as self developing, etc...

After that, we decided our team's name which is Diversity (guess what the meaning is), cheers and animals which is peacock hehe

During the night, we practice balloon making so that we can also entertain the local villagers. It is hard at first, but we managed to make less then 1 minutes hahahah :p

In 18th, after the opening ceremony (Malay Weeding), we starts our first mission. We survey to each house to find the local issues they're experiencing. To be honest, I think most of villagers here have a proper life with clean water and electricity that flow 24/7. Not to mention all the roads are asphalt and most of them have car as their transportation. This is also proven that one of house we checked ensure us they don't have any problem haha -_- They main problem is lack of water and decreasing fish stock in the sea (most of them are fisher)

After surveying, we discussed which problem will be solve and finished at 5 pm... Not exactly true though haha -_- As the leader decision to not do the mapling stuff, we have to re do all places... We finished at 6.30 pm, and arrived just to have leftovers for dinner :(

At night we brainstorm about how to solve problem we choose. Our problem is how to clean up mosquitoes nest under the bridge. To solve this, we have brainstorming as our first session. During these period, I have opposite opinions with my leader. He said that brainstorming could be something unrealistic or silly, while I believe that brainstorming should be something realizable as our time is quite short for improving idea. At the end, he insist his way while the team follow my interpretation. He even suggest silly idea which is making a new sewer side by side -___- I'm totally speechless during that time...

The group decided to use my idea, which is multifunction broom that cleans mosquito's nest. It can be extended and apply the same principle as other monopod stick hahaha The head also can be changed to other purpose if needed :D

In 19th morning, we went to Pengerang Industrial Complex (PIC), honestly, I'm a bit sad for how much nature destruction they caused. The forest turns to desert, sea polluted by the earth soil thrown due to construction. No wonder the fisherman's catch are decreasing... I think most of the participants and the lecturers feeling the same as me.

When PIC representatives starts to present their wonderful progress, our civil lecture keep on questioning the environmental impact in this area. Especially they planned to make it even larger.

From PIC, we went to further detailed our product's design. At night, we have our very own food party hahaha As Malaysia and Indonesia has similar climate, we helped to explain to our fellow Koreans.

In 20th morning, we went to buy materials and tools needed at nearby time (which is 1 hour journey from the village). They given us only 2 hours to finish buying everything, which would indeed cause chaos in the shop (only 1 shop available) Every team discussed the substitute plans as their original materials are unavailable. Not to mention there are only 3 staff available for 10 teams hahahah Havoc indeed, but sweet memories :p

After buying, we start to assemble our product, to be suprised our leader devoted himself in the table making the design... hahaha Anyway, everyone indeed hard working even the girls. Me myself don't really have abilities in those tools (yet), but later I learned a lot on how to grinding, wielding, smoothing etc Hecarim and Ijon have the most manly task among us. They know exactly where to improve.

While Ool can't sit tight and watched, she decided to help paint our products. Syira and our greatest mentor, bang Halim, buy some missing materials in the city.

It tooks a 2 days to make. In 21th, we finally finished our product...

In 23, at the morning, we proudly giving our product to the Makcik Rohana, one of the villager that have mosquitoes issue. She seem satisfied and gave us positive feedback. Not to mention she had quite little niece hahahaha :p

During the noon, we had a trip around Johor Bahru. Starting with Royal Palace, then Historical mosque, Plaza Angsana and ended up BBQ-in in top of UTM's hills watching the light enjoying the breeze. We've enjoyed ourselves pretty much.

Sadly, the last day has come. At the morning, we presented our products and give some feedbacks and review. At the end, a surprised indeed, I won the Best Team Member Award Thank you so much guys. But unfortunately our product didn't win. A bit disappointed but the competitors are indeed good though.

We had so many pictures and selfie together. We also sang We Are The World while laying our hands to our friend's shoulders. It's sad remembering how we spent our 10 days together yet now we're alone. Some of us even cried as some of the participants need to catch their flight early :(

Before going back, I've spent all my bee coins collected (yes we gained a point if we're on time and performed well). I trade with 2 BEE Pendrive, 2 key chains, 2 changing stickers, 2 bookmarks and a tons of Korean coffee hahaha Not to mention daily prizes I got from uploading cool pictures in facebook...

I must say, although I was tired during that time, I learned a lot. Punctuality, diversity, teamwork, communication, adapting, and most of all FRIENDSHIP.

I realized I missed so many points in my blog, but it's hard to describe every single things. I would indeed recommend you guys to join this kind of program. Seems simple, but try it yourself :)